Friday 6 May 2011

Division & Classification Essay

by Alan Basmayor

 Division and classification essay simply means breaking a larger and more complex subject, topic or idea into smaller ones so the readers can understand the topic easily.
 The division part of the essay looks at how one big topic or subject can be broken into several smaller parts.
 Classification is taking the items and putting them into different categories.
 The writer must decide how he/she wants to classify the items. What are the most important elements of the subject? How can these be classified?
Planning for a Division and Classification Essay
 A simple and clear plan and outline can make you write a classification essay more easily.
 Once your outline is made, the only thing left to do is to convert the ideas into sentences that make up your paragraphs. Before you know it, the essay is done.
 Avoiding classification pitfalls – It is essential that before you begin breaking down your subject into categories, you should have a single organizing principle otherwise you will end up with confusing categories i.e. putting one thing in two categories or groups. A good organizing principle should be able to put a clear demarcation line between each categories.

Outlining Guide

 Using asterisks and dashes when writing your outline not only complicates your organization but it may also confuse you while on the process of writing the essay. Using the number-letter outline is highly recommended to organize things more clearly.

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