Friday 6 May 2011

How would you start writing your introduction?

by Alan Basmayor, 2011

 If you have problems how to start writing your essay introduction, then you are not alone. Students and professional writers alike usually find this part of the essay the most challenging.
 Since an introduction is the part of the essay that attracts readers , it has to be interesting enough to make them go through the essay.
 Here are some ways to write an interesting introduction:

 Situational Introduction
To write a situational introduction, you need to describe briefly and concisely the context or what is happening currently in the society or the environment as far as the topic is concerned.
 Story Introduction
A story introduction is one which begins with a narration of a short, interesting and relevant story as springboard in writing the essay.

 Dialectical Introduction
In this type of introduction, the writer presents the affirmative side (thesis) of the issue, then the negative side(anti-thesis) and proceeds to drawing meaning out of the combination of both sides (synthesis). The idea that the writers develops is a combination or a synthesis of both sides.

 Famous Quote Introduction
Using a famous quote is another interesting way of writing an introduction. See to it that you understand the prompt or question. Once you know understand the topic, choose a famous quotation the relates to the topic.

 Past – Present Introduction
A past and present introduction is one where the writer describes an event in the past and compare it with the present. In using this introduction type, it is important that the writer relates the events to the topic of the essay.
 Eclectic Introduction

An eclectic introduction is merely a combination or two or more introduction styles mentioned above. The writer may use a situation and a famous quote, or maybe dialectic and situational. Whatever the combinations are, the writers must see to it that the ideas are relevant and have direct bearing to the topic of the essay.

Now let’s analyze the following examples:

 Situational Introduction
Education today has become an important tool for a person to build his future. Everyone aspires to finish a degree hoping to get the best paying job. Finishing higher education has many great effects on an individual.

 Story Introduction
My father always told me to perform well in my studies and finish a degree. Once I do, he said ,it would be so easy for me to get a job anywhere. And guess what? He was right. There was never a moment after finishing college that I had difficulty getting a job. Finishing higher education has many great effects on an individual.

 Dialectical Introduction
Education makes a person better. May people demonstrate their personal and professional growth by becoming great leaders in society after they finish their studies (thesis). However, there are other people who have become society’s worst menace after finishing their degree. The have become destructive and they choose to create things that cause problems instead of inspirations to people (anti-thesis). I believe education can cause both the negative and positive impacts on a person’s mind and behaviour(synthesis). Finishing education has many effects on an individual.

 Famous Quote Introduction
“Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource-JFK.” Education is the factory of great minds that make the world develop everyday and perhaps even to its highest potential. Finishing education has many great effects on an individual.

 Past – Present Introduction.
Fifty years ago, schools were very few in Oman. In fact, those who wanted to study had to walk or travel to very far places everyday to get to school. Others had to go to other countries to finish higher education. Nowadays, hundreds of schools and colleges are available everywhere in Oman. Everyone will almost find a school at his doorstep. This is due to the vision of a great man-His Majesty Sultan Qaboos, the ruler of the Sultanate of Oman. There is no reason therefore why one can not finish education today. Finishing education has many great effects on an individual.

 Eclectic Introduction
“Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource-JFK.” Education is the factory of great minds that make the world develop everyday and perhaps even to its highest potential. Education makes a person better. Many people demonstrate their personal and professional growth by becoming great leaders in society after they finish their studies (thesis). However, there are other people who have become society’s worst menace after finishing their degree. The have destructive and they choose to create things that give problems instead of inspirations to people (anti-thesis). I believe education can cause both the negative and positive impacts on a person’s mind and behaviour(synthesis). Finishing education has many great effects on an individual.

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